Science for Everyone at ScienceSuperSchool — Scientific Methods, Facts, and Experiments and Science News and Debates
This science is seen and made real. Learn and develop good science seeing and thinking skills. Learn to be a better student of science at any age. Teach science, tutor science, and learn science with interesting photos, pictures, and diagrams that illuminate the different sciences. Explore and understand stories of scientists, science methods, laboratories, science and medical events, science instruments and experiments, and wonderful old and new science discoveries. Biology, chemistry, physics, the human body, distant stars of the universe, the worlds of atoms, whales, planets and solar systems, all these sciences and more, can be learned and are taught, right here.

Welcome to, a nice science home and school to visit, and have fun from time to time — see, read, think about, and learn science of the past, present, and the future.

The Scientific Method, — Philosophy and Mission

This site is dedicated to the proper, wise and good use of the scientific method in all the basic sciences from Astronomy to Zoology. The scientific method is foundational and uses an ordered and logical approach to reach answers and possible solutions to problems of the material world. 

It is good, important and necessary to place ourselves as humans and the material universe in right and proper perspective. Whenever and wherever something is opinion, hypothesis, tenets of belief, or feelings, and not fully verifiable by scientific methods, that will be made clear. The scientific method, science "facts", science techniques and tools should not contradict anyone's faith or beliefs, regardless of one's opinions or beliefs. Scientific methods, science tools, science techniques and the laboratories of science can only explain the physical and measurable world.

The Scientific Method and Science, Beliefs and Philosophies

Science deals with the material world alone. Scientific methods cannot prove, or disprove, the existence of God — those discussions are truly for philosophy and religion. For committed believers or theists, they attest that the material world proclaims, affirms and points to the existence of an Intelligent and Loving Creator. For agnostics and atheists, science, random chance, Darwinism and the Theory of Evolution, with selection and survival of the fittest, are sufficient to satisfy the intellect. 

During life's journey, each person seeks the truth and, hopefully will find truth along the multiple and complex paths and roads of life. Here, some light is shed on various aspects of science, and here both the eyes and mind can be opened to the wonders of science and the scientific method.

This is a place for scientific learning and scientific interaction and, hopefully, a comfortable and iluminating domain for science facts, science self-instruction and science tutoring.

Excellent learning occurs when there is a desire to learn, and where there are factual, accurate, and trustworthy knowledge sources available to students and teachers — this science site strives to be just that.

Perfection is not claimed here — the attempt to attain that goal, however, is sought wih fervor.

Thanks again for being here.

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VISIT Our Science Super School Store with selected, valuable, quality items for learning and doing great science.

All the Written Material within Site is Copyrighted 2010 and Owned by Dr. Donald Reinhardt,
and this original material is protected legally by this copyright notice and by the Digital Millennium Act. None of this original material may be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of the author.

The author is a Freelance Science writer, and is available for specific assignments for those who are interested – by contacting Other questions related to this teaching site should be directed to

Presented by

ALS (Gehrig's Disease) 2011 Breakthrough Discoveries

Ubiquitin2 Protein Processing, NCI NIH
 ALS (Gehrig's Disease) 2011 University Breakthrough Discoveries

Diseases are abnormal and harmful events that occur in living organisms. ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a very serious human disease that involves nerve degeneration, paralysis and eventually leads to death. Recently, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine scientists reported in Nature (August 21, 2011) and at the university web site a common, unifying cause of ALS based on improper processing of damaged nerve proteins. This discovery may help toward an eventual ALS disease cure. Read more here.

Monarch Butterflies and Monarch Caterpillar
Human Chromosomes, Photo of a Complete Set of Chromosomes (Karyotype) from a Male (see X & Y Chromosomes, Lower Right Corner) . Photo Credit: NIH
HIV, Diagram of Virus or Virion Parts, photo credit: NIH
Presented by

The Thirty Year Tragedy of HIV and AIDS, 1981 to 2011, – Much is Known and Much More to Be Done
The original MMWR CDC report of June 5, 1981 noted 5 clustered cases of Pneumocystis pneumonia in gay men and a disease known as Kaposi’s sarcoma.  On this day, June 5, 2011, 30 years later the intricate, complicated and long story of a retrovirus known as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is still being written.  HIV is one of the most secretive, elusive and difficult to treat disease agents ever discovered. Despite 30 intense years of scientific and medical investigation the disease continues to extract a great toll on the health and welfare of the world’s population. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta AIDS is a global pandemic - 33 million people are dead with 600,000 of these as U.S. deaths. In the U.S., with a population of just over 300 million people, about 1.1 million people (about 1 out of every 300 people) are estimated to be infected and diseased.

Drug treatments for HIV infections and AIDS disease involve therapeutic chemical cocktails, i.e. chemical mixtures, to block and intercept viral messages and the biochemical machinery that are needed to make more viruses inside cells. Nevertheless, the virus tends to mutate rapidly and produce resistant viral strains that may escape these man-made chemical attempts at control. Finally, some thirty years later, no successful and useful, universal vaccine has been produced to protect against the disease.

Promises are given that the fight will continue and efforts will move forward to make sure that no patient gets left behind and untreated. The passage of these 30 years and the billions spent for treatment and research indicate historically records that science and medicine have gained a reasonable foothold and are fighting better than ever against HIV and the disease of AIDS. The full story of AIDS and HIV continues to unfold and the future total success against the virus and the disease is not guaranteed. Learn more about 30 years of HIV and AIDS by clicking here.

Epidemic of Vegetable-Food Bacterial Infections Strikes in Germany and Other Parts Europe May-June, 2011

A very toxic, new strain (O104:H4) of Escherichia coli in Europe is causing intestinal infections with diarrhea and bleeding and systemic organ and tissue damage (especially of the kidneys). An initial report on June 5, 2011by Associated Press reported there have been about 22 deaths among over 2200 people who have eaten certain raw vegetables.
 Currently, as of June 18, 2011, the Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Minstry of Germany reports that there are 39 dead, more than 3,517 sick with 839 with life-threatening kidney disease. This is a death to case ratio of about 1 % which means that 1 out of every 100 hundred ) O104:H4-infected people have died. The disease has spread to 12 European countries and 6 patients returned to the United States with this infection. The German ministry also reported that epidemiologists had clearly identified vegetable sprouts, particularly bean sprouts, as the cause of the epidemic. Other vegetable such as tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers are not a problem and have been removed from the original dangerous, vegetables list. Sprouts that were E. coli-contaminated came from an organic farm in the region of Uelzen located between the northern cities of Hamburg and Hannover. A number of restaurants and markets were using sprouts provided from the suspect site. Many of the current patients and victims have eaten vegetables and become ill with the 0104:H4 strain of E- coli. To understand and learn about the epidemiology and outbreak of this bacterium read more about E. coli in this Medical and Health Section.

Cell Phones and Brain Cancers in Humans, An Unresolved Mystery

A May 31, 2011 report from IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) of the World Health Organization (WHO) indicated that cell phones and their generated radiofrequencies should be considered as potentially hazardous to humans and a potential cause of some cancers (gliomas) of the brain.

All the Written Material within Site is Copyrighted 2011 and Owned by Dr. Donald Reinhardt, and this original material is protected legally by this copyright notice and by the Digital Millennium Act. None of this original material may be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of the author.

The author is a Freelance Science writer, and is available for specific assignments for those who are interested – by contacting Other questions related to this teaching site should be directed to

Dangerous Strain of 0157:H7 E. coli Bacterium with Flagella, photo credit: CDC
Two Nerve Cells Chemically Communicating by Neurotransmitters (e.g.dopamine, serotonin, acetylycholine) at a Synapse
In Memory of Steve Jobs, Genius of Apple. Photo Credit: Apple
All the Written Material within Site is Copyrighted 2010 and Owned by Dr. Donald Reinhardt, and this original material is protected legally by this copyright notice and by the Digital Millennium Act. None of this original material may be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of the author. The author is a Freelance Science writer, and is available for specific assignments for those who are interested – by contacting Other questions related to this teaching site should be directed to
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